Short answer: Only artists and clients of completed, verified commissions may leave a review. Misrepresented reviews may be reported, investigated, removed, and / or penalized.
Heavily inspired by Airbnb.
Verified reviews are one of the many tools VGen uses to help build trust and accountability among our community of artists and clients. They help artists and clients make informed decisions about each others' compatibility and expectations while providing honest feedback to help everyone improve.
Our reviews policy is designed to ensure that the feedback provided through our review system is authentic, fair, and helpful to our community.
Reviews should be authentic and fair
- Reviews may only be shared by the verified artist and client after the successful completion of a genuine commission. Fake commissions created by the individual themselves or coordinated with others for the sake of manipulating the review system is strictly prohibited.
- VGen community members may not use or attempt to use coercion, intimidation, extortion, threats, incentives, or manipulation to influence a review; like promising compensation for a positive review or threatening consequences in the event of a negative review.
- Reviews may not be provided or withheld in exchange for something of value, including but not limited to: discounts, refund, reciprocal review, and promise not to take negative action against the reviewer.
- Reviews may not be used as an attempt to mislead or deceive VGen or another person; like writing biased reviews as a form of retaliation against an artist enforcing an agreed upon term within their Terms of Service or proposal.
- Reviews may not be used for the purpose of harming competition; like posting biased reviews on services they are affiliated with or directly competing against.
- Reviewers may choose to anonymize their name publicly but will still be held accountable for their review.
Reviews should focus on the service and its process, quality, and value. Personal experiences and opinions are encouraged, but explicit, discriminatory, harmful, fraudulent, illegal, and defamatory content is strictly prohibited.
We do not censor reviews based on their content but reserve the right to remove any review, rating, or other content that violates this policy. We take the removal of any review very seriously and will only do so where there is a clear violation of this policy.
Depending on the nature of the violation, we may also restrict, suspend, or remove any associated VGen account.
This policy may be applied differently in different places to reflect what local law permits or requires.