Short answer: We hope we've found the right balance of allowing artists+ as much freedom + flexibility as possible while still ensuring buyers are protected in case things don't go right.
Effective on all commissions confirmed after Jun 17, 2024 @ 10pm EST.
Since the launch of VGen in Nov 2022, we've placed great trust in our artists+ to self-manage workflows and cashflows in order to keep as close to artists+’ existing workflows as possible.
Our meticulous vetting + invite systems + moderation along with our mediation + site+ wide bans + escalations with local banks are already significant improvements to the commissioning process.
However, we recognize that we're now at a point where "slightly more protection than what was possible before VGen" simply isn't good enough, and that in order to help our artists+ get more comms, we need to not only make comms easier, but also safer for everyone...
If the Guaranteed Delivery Date has passed and the client was not the cause of the delay, VGen will ensure that the client receives a full refund through PayPal Disputes or a full refund of any withheld funds through VGen Payments.
To ensure clients understand the risks they are taking when accepting proposals, they will now be notified and must explicitly consent to any payments that are beyond a payment method’s refund protection period.
To ensure artists+ are able to fit these new Buyer Protection measures into their workflows, artists+ are encouraged to use Payment Plans to collect non-refundable deposits when appropriate and use milestones as a way to help extend protection periods for clients while ensuring they are paid for their work in a timely manner.
This policy only applies AFTER the Guaranteed Delivery Date has passed. All refunds BEFORE the Guaranteed Delivery Date has passed are solely based on the artists’ ToS that the client has agreed to prior to submitting their commission request. All resulting conflicts of this policy will be mediated and investigated by a member of our VGen Support team.
For PayPal
Clients pay: Upfront
Refund protection period: 150 days
Artist may access funds: immediately
Based on PayPal’s Purchase Protection for Buyers
If Guaranteed Delivery is WITHIN 150 days of payment...
✅ Single upfront payment
✅ Payment plan
If Guaranteed Delivery is OVER 150 days of payment...
👉 Single upfront payment (requires client's explicit consent)
👉 Payment plan (requires client's explicit consent)
For VGen Payments (powered by Stripe)
Clients pay: Upfront
Refund protection period: 75 days
Artist may access funds: After completion of milestone or commission
Based on PayPal’s Purchase Protection for Buyers
Guaranteed Delivery is WITHIN 75 days...
✅ Single upfront payment
✅ Payment plan
Guaranteed Delivery is OVER 75 days...
👉 Single upfront payment (requires client's explicit consent)
👉 Payment plan (requires client's explicit consent)
If you have agreed to a Guaranteed Delivery Date that is beyond VGen’s 150-day Refund Protection Period for PayPal, then only PayPal payments made within 150-days of the commission’s Guaranteed Delivery Date will be protected. All other payments will not be protected under this policy.
If you have agreed to a Guaranteed Delivery Date that is beyond VGen’s 75-day Refund Protection Period for VGen Payments (powered by Stripe), then only VGen Payment payments made within 75-days of the commission’s Guaranteed Delivery Date will be protected. All other payments will not be protected under this policy.
If you have approved the release of funds to an artist through VGen Payments - either through your direct approval or auto-approval due to your inaction of the artists’ fund release request - those funds are no longer protected under this policy.
This policy only applies to payments collected through the VGen website on behalf of your chosen artist. Any payments conducted outside of VGen is not eligible for the protections listed in this policy.