Right now, we're in a Closed Beta for Shop, and only a select few artists were selected from a brief application process. Shop will be more widely available later.
We tried to make the shop look and feel as similar to opening commission services on VGen as possible. (If you're a new artist+, you can find more steps to get started here).
Please remember our NSFW Policy and be sure to tag any Mature Content properly.
1. Product Names
These are the names of the Products. Make it something potential clients will understand immediately.
2. Product Status
Products may be set to LISTED / SOLD OUT / UNLISTED / DRAFT.
Pro tips
- When set to UNLISTED, the product is hidden on your public profile, but anyone with the product link can still send requests.
3. Examples
Product samples are by far the most important part of your entire listing. The more examples, the better. Examples are how potential clients will decide if they like what they see and would want something similar (~If you wanted to link a commission service~).
The following image file types are supported: JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, WEBP, or YouTube links (public or unlisted).
Note that we currently don’t support custom cropping so all images will be “fit” within the 16:9 rectangle. If you’d like it cropped otherwise, please upload it as such.
Pro tips
- 16:9 cropped cover image is highly encouraged for optimal display and thumbnail for your service-specific URL
- If you do rigging / animation / motion, a gif of your work as the cover is recommended for highest visitor impact - although the service-specific URL thumbnail may not always be available
4. Description
If you’d like to clarify specific details, this is where to do it. We provide a little template but feel free to fill this section with whatever is most appropriate for you.
Pro tips
- If you opt to include different licensing prices in your description, make sure to clearly state in what currency those static prices are in! Your base prices are automatically displayed in visitors' local currencies, so if you don't denote your static prices, this may cause confusion.
- While we don’t support image uploads in this section, you can CTL+V / CMD+V images / screenshots of tables / etc in.
5. "One of a Kind"
This is not exactly like inventory slots (this will be a future thing). But it is made specifically for unique products that can only be purchased once by one buyer and will never be restocked.
6. Maturity Rating
As required
If your samples or product includes any mature content, it must be marked as such or you may risk content removal or account suspensions.
Learn about our NSFW policy here →
With that, you should be good to go! Please note that we will constantly add features until we are no longer in Shop Beta, so this page will be updated accordingly.